When applying for the 8(a) Program or HUBZone Program you are requried to provide the SBA with a copy of a current Certificate of Good Standing that is no older than 90 days old when your application is submitted. Some States refer to the the Certificate of Good Standing as a Certificate of Existence, Compliance, Status or Authorization. Below is a links to obtain this required document.
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: https://www.alabamainteractive.org/sos_eCertificate/welcome.action
Referred to as a Certificate of Compliance
Link to obtain: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/corporations/certificateofcompliance.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.azcc.gov/Divisions/Corporations/CertGoodStanding.asp
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.ark.org/sos/good_standing/index.php
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.ca.gov/business-programs/business-entities/information-requests/
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.sos.state.co.us/biz/BusinessFunctions.do
Referred to as a Certificate of Legal Existence
Link to obtain: http://www.concord-sots.ct.gov/CONCORD/online?eid=7000&sn=ColeOnline
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: https://corp.delaware.gov/directweb.shtml
District of Columbia (DC)
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: https://dcra.dc.gov/book/corporate-registration-faqs/corporate-registration-faqs-process
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: http://dos.myflorida.com/sunbiz/manage-business/certification/
Referred to as a Certificate Existence
Link to obtain: https://ecorp.sos.ga.gov/CertificateOfExistence
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://portal.ehawaii.gov/home/online-services/certificate-of-goods-standing/
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Existence
Link to obtain: https://sos.idaho.gov/CORP/certificate_of_existence.html
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.ilsos.gov/corporatellc/
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: https://inbiz.in.gov/business-filings/information-requests
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: https://sos.iowa.gov/business/FormsAndFees.html#CertsAndCopies
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.kssos.org/other/certificate_good_standing.html
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.ky.gov/bus/businessrecords/Pages/default.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.la.gov/BusinessServices/SearchForLouisianaBusinessFilings/OrderDocumentsAndCertificates/Pages/default.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: https://icrs.informe.org/nei-sos-icrs/ICRS
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: http://dat.maryland.gov/businesses/Pages/Internet-Certificate-of-Status.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://mtc.dor.state.ma.us/mtc/_/
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-5647_12539_71074-33117–,00.html
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.state.mn.us/business-liens/business-help/how-to-order-copies-of-filings-certificates/
Referred to as a Certificate of Status/Good Standing/Existence
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.ms.gov/BusinessServices/Pages/Order-Documents.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.sos.mo.gov/business/formsAndServices
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: https://sos.mt.gov/business
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.ne.gov/business/corp_serv/
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://nvsos.gov/sos/businesses/commercial-recordings/faqs#59
New Hampshire
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://sos.nh.gov/corpfaq.aspx
New Jersey
Referred to as a Certificate of Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/revenue/dcr/programs/ann_rptdue.shtml
New Mexico
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.state.nm.us/Business_Services/good-standing-and-status-certificate-information-and-fees.aspx
New York
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: https://www.dos.ny.gov/corps/faq_certificates_under_seal.page.asp
North Carolina
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.dor.state.nc.us/taxes/corporate/lettergoodstanding.html
North Dakota
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://sos.nd.gov/business/business-services/business-services-faqs
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://cogs.sos.state.oh.us/(S(2g3njebc2opd3omrdqi4crki))/index.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.sos.ok.gov/corp/order/orderDefault.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: http://sos.oregon.gov/business/Pages/business-registry-certificates.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://www.dos.pa.gov/Businesscharities/Business/Resources/Pages/Good-Standing-Or-Subsistence-Certificates.aspx
Rhode Island
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: http://sos.ri.gov/divisions/Business-Portal/Certifications-Apostille-Goodstanding
South Carolina
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: https://web.sc.gov/SOSDocumentRetrieval/Welcome.aspx
South Dakota
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://sdsos.gov/business-services/corporations/request-certificate-good-standing.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence
Link to obtain: http://sos.tn.gov/products/business-services/request-certificate-existence-0
Referred to as a Certificate of Status/Existence
Link to obtain: https://www.sos.texas.gov/corp/copies.shtml
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence/Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://corporations.utah.gov/inetcorpdocs.html#Existence
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://www.sec.state.vt.us/corporationsbusiness-services/good-standing-status-certificates.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing/Existence
Link to obtain: https://www.scc.virginia.gov/clk/copy.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence/Authorization
Link to obtain: https://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/OrderDocs.aspx
West Virginia
Referred to as a Certificate of Existence/Authorization
Link to obtain: http://www.sos.wv.gov/business-licensing/business/Pages/copiesandcertificates.aspx
Referred to as a Certificate of Status
Link to obtain: https://www.wdfi.org/corporations/fees/cert_program_inst.htm
Referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing
Link to obtain: https://wyobiz.wy.gov/business/viewcertificate.aspx
Need assistance with your 8(a) or HUBZone Application? With 15 years and over 2,000 successful applications under our belt, we can assure you that no matter which option you choose, Cloveer will work harder and faster to get your business SBA 8(a) or HUBZone certified. Contact us today at 813-333-5800 or visiting our website at www.cloveer.com to discover what Cloveer can do for you. We also offer these options for further assistance in completing your 8(a) and HUBZone Application.
8(a) Application Assistance
Option 1 – 8(a) Application Review
- For those who wish to complete the application on their own we offer an 8(a) Application Review service. Here, one of our 8a program experts will review your entire application, checking it for missing documents and potential eligibility issues. We will then advise you as to how best to modify your application to ensure it will be approved an SBA reviewer.
Option 2 – 8a Application Completion Service
- The majority of our clients however, prefer a little more of a hands-on approach. They recognize the expertise we have accumulated in the over 15 years we’ve been assisting clients obtain 8(a) certification, and want us to put it to use for them. If you opt for our 8(a) Application Completion Service, we will work one-on-one with you to ensure that your 8(a) Application is 100% complete and compliant so the SBA can review and accept it the first time.
HUBZone Application Assistance
Option 1 – HUBZone Application Review
- For those who wish to complete the application on their own we offer a HUBZone Application Review service. Here, one of our HUBZone program experts will review your entire application, checking it for missing documents and potential eligibility issues. We will then advise you as to how best to modify your application to ensure it will be approved an SBA reviewer.
Option 2 – HUBZone Application Completion Service
- The majority of our clients however, prefer a little more of a hands-on approach. They recognize the expertise we have accumulated in the over 15 years we’ve been assisting clients obtain HUBZone certification, and want us to put it to use for them. If you opt for our HUBZone Application Completion Service, we will work one-on-one with you to ensure that your HUBZone Application is 100% complete and compliant so the SBA can review and accept it the first time.